From Zero To Superhero

“Working smart” is tough to do. To get “smart” requires many years of trial and error. To fast track your career, you need a complete system, and most don’t have time to build it. You need prospecting, reactive portfolios, as well as a referral generator. Protection Point Advisors has built all that.

We are looking for advisors with good instincts and values, who want a total system they can plug into. Protection Point Advisors can help you build a better business by creating the freedom to focus on existing clients and prospects.

Imagine a system that lets you hit the ground running instead of spinning your wheels in frustration. The financial industry is broken, because its formula for success is to throw new advisors at a wall of unknowns and then to see who survives, with very low success rates. We want to help fix it.

How to go from Zero to Superhero?

  • Start with good values and a strong work ethic.
  • Get rid of product agenda; align your interests with the client.
  • Delegate the back-office systems to someone else.
  • Building portfolios, websites and trading are not an effective use of time for you.
  • Let us market a clear and defined client experience to your prospects and “not interested” names in your files.
  • We can show your clients sophisticated solutions available from you, through our regular subject expert webinars. The leads generated come back directly to you.

Let your full potential be transferred into forward momentum. You can be a superhero to your clients and your family.

Without solid and defined systems, your business will eventually stall. Whether you are new in the industry or have been around for a while, Protection Point Advisors systems can help you achieve business growth. Our marketing, responsive investment models and defined client experience took us decades to build; but by aligning your business with PPA, you get all of it, so you can better maintain momentum and help you scale.

If you are brand new to the industry, our training systems can help you every step of the way so that you can achieve all this industry has to offer.

Sign up to attend one of our workshops and receive a free two week pass to our weekly training webinars. See why our advisers succeed.