
Protection Point Advisors makes it possible to run my practice the way I want, for the people I want to help.

I was a mid-career changer who was teaching at a local university. I would help friends, do some real estate consulting, and take on financial projects during semester breaks. I never thought I could turn it into a business much less a full-time job. I was just having fun helping people.

I had been aware of Protection Point for several years but it wasn’t until I was at a wedding and sat with some PPA clients that I considered reaching out. The clients I sat with were very happy with their experience and encouraged me to contact Protection Point. I said to my wife on the way home, “it must be a special place if their clients are recruiting me”. I gave them a call six years ago and have been very happy with the experience.

Protection Point has helped me get my CFP designation and has been supportive of all my non-profit endeavors. I still do some real estate consulting and run a small family office my great grandparents started. Doing all those things would be impossible without the infrastructure I get from Protection Point.

The compliance and trading team especially is a standout point for me. They're always available to discuss strategies for implementing ideas. The whole company is incredibly solution oriented.