At Protection Point Advisors we often build and manage custom and semi-custom portfolios FOR our investors. This means getting personal with our clients and listening to the vision they have for their lives. We go far beyond just balancing risk against return. Instead, we try to custom fit a solution to the person, based on their lives, current financial trends and a wide array of options from our own investment models to in some cases outside institutional managers. We do not rely on just selling products or quick prepackaged solutions but instead we choose to put the needs of our clients far above of our own bottom line.
We believe:
- Multiple layers of risk management – multiple asset classes and layers of investment styles and strategies.
- Using alternatives to traditional stocks and bonds if it makes sense for the portfolio.
- Reactive not static investment models.
- Establishing a clear understanding of our clients’ lives and their overall financial plan before undertaking the role of investment advisor.
As part of our L.I.M. Process (Layered Investment Management), we believe in setting up multiple ways of protecting portfolios, like investment fuses. We have built Our Protection Point Advisor’s portfolios to make allocation easier.